Nov. 25 News Letter

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Silver & Gold as legal tender.
To all those that are here to peruse the final draft of the Gold and Silver Proposal, this turns out to be a previous draft and not the final. Please read it anyway and use it to base any comments or suggestions that you may have. All comments will be appreciated and paid attention to that you post in the forum. Senator Eigel will be pre-filing the Gold and Silver bill on December 1. You will be able to see the legislation here on the Senate website when it is filed. Make sure the drop down menu says 2024 to see all the new legislation that is pre-filed. The final draft inserts, as part of the definition of coinage, the term gold foil to secure Goldback types as trade instruments.
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News Letter Nov. 18
Live Stream Tonight at 7:30 PM Central (11-18-23)
Hey gang! We’re live streaming tonight at 7:30 PM on Twitter, Rumble, Odysee, You Tube, Facebook and Twitch. We’re going to address some of the issues with Missouri public schools tonight. Retha who has done some incredibly informative school videos on our socials will be joining us. We are also trying to get a hold of David Cort to join us as well (no promises). Retha has done a lot of investigative work on the Missouri public schools and the shell games they play with their bond accounting and will share some of this tonight.A squishy Republican is a person who runs as a Republican but has no loyalty to the party platform. Squishy Republicans are soft and malleable and their behavior/political views are easily shaped by the corporations and special interests that fund their campaigns and/or Political Action Committee (PAC).
If you want to join us and let your voice be heard, feel free to join us on Guilded. We usually get on Guilded about 7:00PM, a full 30 minutes before the show starts and we’re usually still on Guilded for quite a while after the show ends. Joining Guilded is free, just setup and account and follow our link to join our server. We ask folks to keep their language clean for the show (we’re family friendly). We also ask folks to remember “social etiquette.” Please do not interrupt or talk over others. It is not mandatory to speak or use a camera. Many folks join us for the live that do not turn on their microphone or camera during the live stream. The pre-show and after show can be a lot of fun as we let our hair down and discuss many items we do not include in the live streams. If you choose to join for the first time, please check in early, so we can help with any technical issues you may have with audio and/or video. We will not provide technical support during the live stream.
I want to apologize for some of the behavior exhibited in last week’s stream. It has been addressed and will not happen again. Many of you reached out to me to express your concern and disappointment. In a live stream situation with multiple participants, it’s sometimes difficult to control the environment. I failed to moderate the stream last week under the conditions I have explained we operate under and for that reason, I am truly sorry. I have taken steps to help ensure the show remains cordial, family friendly and topic appropriate from this point on.
In the weeks ahead I am planning videos about silver and gold, and we will be having a few videos in the near future that will not be on facebook, twitch or youtube. Those video will be about crime in Missouri. We have received strikes on our channel you tube talking about topics such as election fraud and crime in St. Louis and Kim Gardener. You tube has punished us for posting such videos and live streams in the past as you tube said the St. Louis videos “encouraged racism” even though FBI statistics were the evidence for the video. As censorship is still an issue, we will be careful where we stream for this topic.
John Williams featured Missouri House Representative (District 119) hopeful Rafael Madrigal in his live stream last night (Friday, 11-17-23). You can view his video here on you tube or here on Rumble.
Sam Britton’s show (Off the Cuff) will be live tomorrow night at 6:00 PM Central on Missouri Liberty Radio. If you are in the Owensville, Missouri area you can tune him in on 101.3FM. Sam also streams live from his website. It’s a live call-in show, so callers are welcome. Sam has been promoting the local shop with a cop program. For those who do not know this program, it’s a charity for underprivileged families/children. Families are screened for eligibility of the program. If eligible, children are accompanied by a local police officer (or deputy sheriff) on a shopping trip in the local Wal-Mart (in this case Owensville, Missouri) to purchase items for their families for Christmas and the bill is paid for by the program. The law enforcement officers that participate are in uniform during the shopping trip but donate their time (they are not on the clock). I want to say, I also donate to this very charity cause every year with the Polk County Sheriff’s Office. If you would like to help out some families in need and want to donate to this charity, the address to send a donation for Owensville is:
Owensville City Hall, 107 West Sears Ave., Owensville Missouri, 65066. Make sure to put Owensville police department, “shop with a cop program” on anything that you send.
That’s all for now gang, I hope to see you in the live stream tonight.
May God bless us all with good health and with wisdom and courage.
Yours for liberty,
Patrick Holland
Missouri Freedom Initiative
P.O. Box 343
Clever, Missouri 65631
· Squishy Republican (Coined by John Williams) : DEFINITION
A squishy Republican is a person who runs as a Republican but has no loyalty to the party platform. Squishy Republicans are soft and malleable and their behavior/political views are easily shaped by the corporations and special interests that fund their campaigns and/or Political Action Committee (PAC).
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Our Freedom is in the budget
Our Freedom is in the budget
By Goatfoot
2023 has been an incredible year for our great State of Missouri. We had a low bill to law threshold in the Legislature. Many people have announced bids to run for State Office. Plus a house leader that continues to be in scandal and making hiring decisions that are counter to Missourian values (at least I hope so). Though the most critical thing that came into pass this year was our record passing of our 50 billion dollar budget. Budgeting at this rate is unsustainable and will lead us as a state into further tyranny rather than liberty.
Going into 2024 we have to be cognizant of the appropriation bills coming before our legislators. Questions we should be asking as constituents, does my rep actually read the budget? Will the things being appropriated adequately help me or hinder my life goals? How does the budget impact future generations? These are reasonable questions, but at the end of the day it’s easy for those in Jefferson City to see numbers on a page. They forget that hardworking people with paying jobs fund these bureaucratic machines.
Missouri is very volatile right now, with 2024 issues regarding the ballot initiative and abortion access about to be constitutionally mandated, are we forgetting the most important piece? The budget determines if anything legislation has teeth. In 2021 brave republican representatives decided to not fund the medicaid expansion that was passed via ballot initiative. It was a sweeping justice against the problems we currently have with the initiative petition reform that needs to take place. Now unfortunately the Missouri Supreme Court made the General Assembly fund Medicaid expansion, but it showed a glimmer of hope that those that represent us can look out for our pocket book.
Going into 2024 we need to have as many eyes on the budget. The resources the media and those in leadership have to distract us is insurmountable. Missouri cannot keep passing 50 billion dollar budgets. We have to be untethered from the federal government and we have to hold our legislators’ feet to the fire. We the people can only save Missouri; being fiscally responsible is the only way that will lead to financial prosperity and ultimately a free people that so happen to live in Missouri.
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