Happy Saturday gang. We will be live tonight at the normal time (7:30 PM Central). However, tonight we are going to try the broadcast from Signal. I am still looking into Teleguard but Signal is already mostly setup and ready to go, so we’ll use it for now. For those of you who are unaware, Signal is an encrypted app for both smart phones and PCs. Here is a link to Signal’s website. Here is an invite to our shared MoFI group on signal. We will no longer broadcast from Guilded. This change is for folks who participate directly via voice or video on our streams. For those who simply watch the broadcast on our socials or just participate through social media text chat, nothing has changed. You’ll be able to catch our broadcast tonight on Twitter (X), Rumble, Odysee and You Tube.
Last week, I co-hosted with Sam Britton on the 20th anniversary of Missouri Liberty Radio on a special 6 hour show. That show is available in Sam’s archive. We also broadcasted on our socials with the exception of you tube. It’s kind of hard to celebrate free speech on a censored platform.
Tonight, we’re going to talk about the silver/gold legislation that has been filed in Missouri, Florida and Texas. With any luck, we’ll get Daniel Diaz to chime in on what is going on in Florida (I have a feeling he knows a LOT about what is going on legislatively down there). In Missouri, we have 3 known bills pre-filed. Senator Mike Moon’s SB25, Senator Rick Brattin’s SB194 and Representative Bill Hardwick’s HB433. As of the time I am writing this, HB433 already has 2 co-sponsors. My Rep (Bob Titus) co-sponsored within an hour of my phone call asking him to do so. It’s that time folks; it’s time to call/email our reps and ask them to co-sponsor HB433. In fact, let’s contact our Senators and ask them to co-sponsor Mike Moon’s SB25 as well. Co-sponsorship is different in the Senate, it’s rare but it DOES happen. Missouri House Roster. Missouri Senate Roster.
As you probably already know, Representative Justin Sparks is running for Speaker of the House. Justin is travelling the state and meeting with folks to explain why he is running, why he entered the race so late, what he wants to do as Speaker and how it will benefit the House and by extension the people if he is elected. Representative Jonathan Patterson is the presumed speaker as he was elected presumptive speaker some 18 months ago. This practice of electing the Speaker so far in advance serves only one purpose, so corporations know who do donate to 18 months in advance to serve their agendas. In reality, the House rules are the prize here. The current House rules sponsored by Patterson for Dean Plocher 2 years ago are terrible (HR11 in 2023). With Patterson as presumed Speaker and remembering his role in getting the new House rules passed in January of 2023 is what many people are thinking about. Also, Patterson does not align properly with the Republican Party (by vote history). Also, Patterson’s close relationship with the HRCC (House Republican Campaign Committee) has many folks on edge because we’ve seen how much damage the HRCC can do to true conservatives when they do not get in line with the corporatists/RINOs. Representative Sparks will be in my neck of the woods on Thursday, December 18 at Godfather’s Pizza in Nixa, Missouri. I will be there, I encourage others to come to this meet and greet if they can (Details below).
I have been asked by MANY people in the past month if I know where Patterson stands on the Constitutional Money Act. The truth is, I do not know, in fact I don’t think anyone knows at this time. I do know that Sparks is in favor of it though. The Senate looks VERY favorable for passage of the Constitutional Money Act in 2025 (again). The House leadership is again the wild card.
That’s all for now gang. I am going to get some testing done for our Signal group today before we go live. I will be watching for folks joining the group today so we can get you in before the broadcast.
May God bless us all with good health and with wisdom and courage.
Yours for liberty,
Patrick Holland
Missouri Freedom Initiative
P.O. Box 343
Clever, Missouri 65631
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