Missouri Freedom Initiative


Happy Saturday gang! We’ll be live tonight with special guest, David Rice. David is a conservative writer, journalist, grant writer, freelancer, and playwright. He writes about many different topics that draw his interests. David is focused on exposing Marxism and all of its lies. We’ll discuss the uni-party in Missouri and the PAC money that flows to “Republican” politicians that is intended to allow for research on aborted embryos and fetuses and how that ties into SJR74 and the ballot initiative process. We’ll be live on the usual platforms. Twitter (X), Rumble, Odysee and You Tube.

We are getting closer to the primaries. Brought to the public’s attention by the Shield Maidens of Missouri is “Operation D.” Operation D is the code word for Democrats to vote in the Republican Primary and Democrats will be voting for Mike Kehoe (R) (Governor), Lincoln Hough (R) (Lt. Governor), Dean Plocher (R) (Secretary of State) and Vivek Malek (R) (Treasurer). Democrats have a time honored tradition in participating in Republican primaries and it looks like 2024 is no exception (ever wonder why so many RINOs and squishies get into office?). So what do these “Republicans” that the Democrats in Missouri will vote for in the primaries have in common? Simple, they make up the power broker middlemen of the swamp. They are some of the squishiest RINOs in Missouri. We know all of them and have stories about each and every one of them. Even Jess Piper (prominent social media Missouri Socialist/Democrat and PAC manager of Blue Missouri) said last year she would have no problem if Republican Mike Kehoe became governor. When the Missouri grassroots were all over Plocher for his multiple scandals last year, Jess Piper was mostly quiet about the scandals on her social media accounts. The point is, Democrats have their favorite politicians in the “Republican” party in Missouri. It’s important to know that going forward.

“Vote Red at all costs” is no longer viable in Missouri (or nationwide). The reason is the Republican Party has been infiltrated by Democrats and Corporatists, just as the Democrat party has been infiltrated by Socialists and Communists. The Republican Party in Missouri is fictionalized into 3 different groups. The first faction are the conservatives. They are not as large in number as you’d think. The second faction are the corporatists (squishies). The third faction are the RINOs. For the average Missouri citizen who does not pay attention to Missouri politics or the Missouri legislature, they do not know who is who. The RINOs and Squishies depend on this ignorance to continue “acting” as conservatives on the campaign trail. If citizens who do not follow Missouri legislation vote Republican on the primary, it generally comes down to name recognition. This kind of voting will ensure Missouri ends up more like Illinois. Since the Democrats have an actual operation to ensure that the statewide offices are held by the RINOs, it makes the conservatives work harder to contrast their differences from their counterparts, all of whom are un-vetted thanks to the HRCC (House Republican Campaign Committee) and the Missouri State Central Committee who threaten to sue the County Central Committees if they try to vet those running from their districts. Sound complicated? That’s because it is not only complicated, it’s just plain nuts! That’s what happens when Democrats infiltrate the Republican Party. The Democrats ACTUALLY control the Republican Party from within the Republican Party. Since the conservatives in office are about 25% of the Republican seats, the idea of vetting is more important than ever.

To make matters even more complicated, RINOs and Corporatists lie on the campaign trail. They often give lip service to conservative ideals but when they get into office, their actions are quite different from their words. Kehoe, Hough and Plocher are EXCELLENT examples of this. These men are poster children representing the worst Missouri has to offer in the Republican primary.

To make matters even worse, the RINOs and Corporatists did all they could to sabotage the Missouri Republican convention on May 4th. I won’t go into detail as most folks already know the story but here is a link to an article about it.

So why does all this even matter? Why take valuable time to vet candidates? It’s simple really. The RINOs and Corporatists have declared war on the Missouri conservative grassroots. The RINOs and Corporatists DO NOT want to be exposed, they do not want people investigating their voting patterns, past statements or campaign and PAC contributions. There is so much to learn from the contributions to individual campaigns.

For the next 2 months, we will concentrate on vetting the statewide office candidates. We will coordinate with other grassroots organizations as much as possible to help everyone within our reach make the best choice for each office. Missouri is at a crossroads and the next two months are critical for us to make sure “Operation D” does not shape the next four years in Missouri. Operation D will attempt to ensure that the World Economic Forum has a stranglehold in Missouri by controlling Missouri resources, Missouri public schools and shape the economic landscape for decades to come.

Sam Britton with Missouri Liberty Radio has moved his live signature program “Off the Cuff” to Wednesday nights. This past Wednesday, Sam welcomed Gretchen Garrity, writer of the blog “Right to Win Ozarks.” Their conversation was partly focused on censorship and how Gretchen has been recently censored on her blog along with previous censorship she has enjoyed for the crime of speaking the truth about grooming kids. You can hear the replay of Sam’s show with Gretchen here. Sam also recorded a campaign stop of Senator Bill Eigel who is running for Governor while in Owensville yesterday (6-7-24) which you can listen to here.

John Williams with the Missouri Liberty Report produced a live stream last night (6-7-24) with his new co-host Brandon Daugherty. Together, they talked about many hot topics and issues and you can view their broadcast on You Tube or Rumble.

In closing, most folks know America is heading in the wrong direction…FAST. The problems are too many to list. The fact of the matter is, you really do not need to worry about the federal government if you have a Constitutional state and local government. This is where the focus needs to be. This, my friends is the “secret sauce” for freedom. It has been in the state and local governments all along. This is why the RINOs and Corporatists in Republican seats have declared war on the conservative grassroots in Missouri, going as far as to say that conservative grassroots are on the take and regularly receive Democrat dark money. Since we have identified the RINOs and Corporatists taking in enormous amounts to money in their PACs from liberal special interests, their rebuttal/diversion is to say that we, the grassroots are getting untraceable Democrat dark money to go after their (RINO) priorities and exposing their donors.

May God bless us all with good health and with wisdom and courage.

Yours for liberty,
Patrick Holland
Missouri Freedom Initiative
P.O. Box 343
Clever, Missouri 65631


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