Happy Saturday gang! Another weekend, another live stream tonight at 7:30 PM Central. Time has been a commodity I have not had much of in the past 3 weeks or so. It’s reflected in a few of the projects I intended to get done but remain undone. We will live stream on Odysee once again tonight but going to Rumble/Odysee simultaneously is a high priority and I still aspire to get us there soon.
On tonight’s live stream we hope to be joined by Kirby Lane from Rogue Politics. For those who have not seen the recently video that featuring Kirby Lane, please do so. It was explosive and timely and it made a huge difference for every single soul in Missouri by exposing possible corporatist corruption that nearly allowed for AI/ESG/Social Credit Scoring capable software to find its way into the Missouri capital for use by our elected officials. Updated videos were released today. Missouri House hearing on the Fireside Software and an update from Kirby with a few clarifications.
I think it might be a good time to talk about courage. What is courage? Why do we need courage? What are the benefits of courage? Most of you will remember the 1939 classic film, the Wizard of Oz. In the movie, one of the main characters, the lion was a coward and was seeking courage from the Wizard. In the end, it was determined, the lion had courage within him all along, he just needed a little “encouragement” to find out he could be courageous.
We have problems in our state, and indeed our country. In order to solve problems, we need free speech so we can critically examine the problems. Big tech in partnership with government and 3 letter agencies have curtailed a lot of free speech. Politicians who take the oath of office are taking an oath to protect the Constitution, whether they are your local mayor, all the way up to President of the United States. “ Your interests may be very different from mine, so an oath to “protect the people” would inherently create numerous and insoluble conflicts. An oath to uphold the Constitution, on the other hand, obligates them to protect our rights, leaving us free to protect our own interests, which individuals can do better for them selves than anyone else.” In other words, it is the responsibility of every person who takes the oath of office to defend the rights of their constituents. Many elected officials fail on this one measure spectacularly in full view of the public and are NOT called out on this simple concept that made America the greatest/freest nation on earth. If “we the people” do not call them out, we are in fact encouraging this bad behavior and allowing it to fester.
What is needed is for elected officials to be courageous and come forth when they see corruption or something that can lead to corruption. Many are afraid to do so, for a variety of reasons. Those who do come forth should enjoy the appreciation of the people as well. If we do not get a handle on impropriety and corruption at ALL levels of politics in Missouri, Missouri could look much more like Illinois than most people currently want to believe. This is NOT something to aspire to; this is to be avoided at all costs.
Corruption at the state level comes in multiple forms. It can involve pressure from party leadership to do something wrong or to not do something at all, it can be blocking bills from floor time, it can be allowing bills to be heard on the floor but a coordinated effort to sabotage the bill during floor time, it can be an effort to pass corporatist bills and not pass any legislation that ACTUALLY benefits the people of the state, it can be a bill that carries amendments that escape scrutiny because of lack of time or effort…etc. We, the people of Missouri can see this happen all the time in the general assembly. The solutions involve two basic concepts, the ability to speak freely and the courage to do so. Missouri is worth saving, so is the United States. ALL of us need to do better when vetting candidates who run for office and speaking freely when problems are seen with our politicians and/or their behavior. We need to be vigilant and pay attention to their activities and communicate with them often and encourage them to “do the right thing.” If you are not talking to your Representative or Senator, even during the legislative off season, the only folks they will be hearing from are lobbyists. If you are not vetting folks running for office in your district, lobbyists and competing political parties will gladly do it for you. This is what breeds corporatism/corruption in government, when the people put vetting and communications with their representation on “auto pilot.” Keeping in communication with your representation has ENORMOUS benefit for both you and for your representation and by proxy, the entire state.
Last week, Sam Britton welcomed Missouri Senator Denny Hoskins to the “Off the Cuff” program. You can listen to the archive of that transmission here. Sam’s program is broadcast on 101.3FM in Owensville Missouri but is streamed live from his website. He will be on again tomorrow night (9-17-23) at 6:00 PM Central.
Yesterday, John Williams with the Missouri Liberty Report welcomed back Tom Martz of the Locke and Smith Foundation. Discussions with Tom are ALWAYS a treat and his perspective is always appreciated and he is a valued member of the Missouri grassroots effort. Tom Martz can be heard every Friday morning on KSGF radio in Springfield, Missouri (104.1FM). Tom’s organization (Locke and Smith Foundation) rates Missouri legislator’s votes using the Missouri Constitution as the measure. No other organization is doing this in Missouri (to my knowledge) and Tom makes this information public. I will have details in next week’s email.
Rogue Politics (Catherine Dreher and Kirby Lane) will be producing more content VERY soon, so keep an eye out for it. These two ladies are not new to the Missouri grassroots effort but Rogue Politics is. They are providing invaluable data on everything from local to state politics and are pulling the threads on impropriety and corruption regarding finance in Missouri politics.
Our amazing webmaster Tom is still touching up the website. Changes are happening almost every day. More content/functionality are coming soon.
We are very close to getting the new silver/gold language. Stay tuned. 😉
I am planning to attend the Christian County Republican Central Committee meeting this coming Tuesday at 7:00 PM. I am continuing my tour of Republican Central committee meetings statewide.
That’s it for now gang. I hope to see you tonight on the live stream.
May God bless us all with good health and with wisdom and courage.
Yours for liberty,
Patrick Holland
Missouri Freedom Initiative
P.O. Box 343
Clever, Missouri 65631
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