Missouri Freedom Initiative


Merry Christmas gang! It’s hard to believe the Calendar year is almost over. I know folks are very busy this time of year but we are going to eek out a live stream tonight, and it’s going to cover the Missouri School Board Association and the handbook they give to all school board members that are part of the Association across the state. We’ll be on Rumble, Odysee, and You Tube. We’ll also be on Twitter and facebook.

Gretchen Garrity will join us tonight to help us understand the nuances of the rules for school board members and the regulations they operate under. Gretchen covers this information on her blog regularly. Knowledge is power. Gretchen is going to help us gain MSBA operational knowledge tonight J Follow along as we have posted the handbook on the Missouri Freedom Initiative website.

Few things bring out the hate more than questioning the public school in your district or the public school operation statewide. I received my first death threat when my wife and I challenged the Clever School District when they tried to get a $2.6 million dollar bond through the voters for “safety and security updates” and a field house for the athletics department in April of 2021. It was a foregone conclusion that the bond would be voted in. No one saw my wife and I coming with facebook questioning of the bond issue and the associated costs and a few well-placed you-tube videos. This was before Retha and I had really educated ourselves on how school finances work or how the board operates and what the state school board association is (and how they operate). Just two of us, against an entire district and we were successful. The bond was voted down. Retha and I had only 12 days of notice of the bond before the vote and we still managed to succeed (I was also working SAPA in the legislature at the time as well). It’s not as difficult as people think to stop wasteful spending in your school district. Of note, after it was all said and done, about 60% of Clever respected what we did and how we handled it and about 40% wish we were dead. J Retha and I are not special in any way. Anyone can do this. If your district is trying to max out its borrowing capacity on the backs of the homeowners for “wants” it’s up to you to stop it. If Retha and I depended on others to do it, the bond simply would have passed.

Fast forward nearly 3 years later, most schools across the nation are trying VERY hard to max out their bonding capacity in April of 2024, taking on the maximum debt they are allowed by law from homeowners in their districts while the economy is still “somewhat stable.” Most of this will be under the guise of a “no tax increase bond issue” And will include the language “safety and security upgrades and updates” that are normally handled through the maintenance budget (levy). Since 2021, Retha and I have learned A LOT about how the schools operate, how their funding works, how to get ALL the schools’ financial data (4 separate places), the shell games they play with financing AND how the local school boards are controlled (by banks, MSBA, NEA, Chamber of Commerce and the Teacher’s Union). Tonight, we will focus on the MSBA handbook and how the Missouri school boards operate. Gretchen is an amazing resource on this and has studied the control mechanisms used to control local school boards. She will guide us through the many pitfalls and control mechanisms used to control these boards. Schools are basically run like a business. Most board members are generally led around by one carrot…MONEY. Their primary concern is to bring in as much money as possible to their district. It’s a government model, so it should make sense to most folks. This is generally what US Senators and Representatives do, bring as much federal taxpayer money into their districts as possible. Once you see that, you start to understand how and why school boards operate as they do. What YOU are NOT supposed to know or ask about is the “cost” of the money or what strings are attached or how it will effect homeowners in the district long term.

One final note is that some folks may not know the forces that will oppose you if you question the public school system or try to change it. The MSM media will definitely come after you but so will the MSBA, NEA, Chamber of Commerce, Teacher’s Unions, Democrat politicians and activist groups…etc. It is not for the faint of heart to question the financial shell games, the financial strings attached, the bond language on the ballot, the indoctrination of children into Marxism and the state taking dual custody of your children. Conservative politicians know this first hand. The flak they get when they question the structure for public schools and try to expose the truth of nefarious material buried in the curriculum is a sight to behold. The relentless pro-public school trolls that attack me on twitter is another great example. These folks are protecting the sacred cow they have believed in, defended, protected and helped to maintain and are quite offended by anyone who questions it. The Missouri public school system is a HUGE business. People who are in the matrix fight back if you point out its flaws, its dangers, its corruption and its motives.

I had previously been on Liberty and Finance (2 weeks ago) and failed to link that video up in the last email/newsletter.

John Williams with the Missouri Liberty Report produced his regular live stream last night (Friday, December 22, 2023). John had Sam and Trish Britton on as guests for a free floating conversation covering MANY topics. You can watch/listen to the video on You Tube or on Rumble.

Sam and Trish will do a Christmas show for their Off the Cuff broadcast on 12-24-23 show starting at 6:00PM Central on Missouri Liberty Radio. Sam will be playing clips that were recorded during the shop with a cop while at Walmart. Sam is also covering the “unrealized gains” for income tax in the Supreme Court soon. Sam can be heard at 101.3FM in Owensville Missouri or from the stream on his website.

On Friday, December 29, 2023 I will be joining Locke and Smith’s Tom Martz in the KSGF Studio in Springfield Missouri at 6:00 AM (Central Time). We are going to talk about HB1955 and possibly other legislation that has been pre-filed. You can tune in on 104.1 FM on stream live from the KSGF website here.

Please do not forget about January 9th at 9:00AM at the capitol. It’s Knock and Shock “Silver and Gold day.” The official flyer for Knock and Shock is almost completed. We’ll post on the website when it’s completed.

I hope to see you tonight on the live stream. Merry Christmas everyone! And remember there are no problems, only solutions!

May God bless us all with good health and with wisdom and courage.

Yours for liberty,

Patrick Holland

Missouri Freedom Initiative

P.O. Box 343

Clever, Missouri 65631





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